Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Hey, I Found My Blog!

I had a crazy idea about 8 years ago that I would start a blog.  (Apparently, I did post one homeschool activity!)  At the time I was still homeschooling three children, and finding time to blog was unrealistic.  But now, I'm "retired" from teaching my kids, at least as far as their basic education goes, and find myself with time to spare at the moment.  I might give this blog thing another go!

Since my original post, we have went through so many changes. The kids are grown and all gone except the youngest. My husband and I began to feel several years ago like we were supposed to leave the job/church/town we had invested 20+ years of our life in, to move closer to aging parents, and also to be closer to all these kids that moved away!  Ultimately, we took a step of faith, not knowing the end of the story God was writing for us.  We packed up and moved, without a house or job on the other end.  We are blessed to have a family home that we can stay in until things are settled.  In the mean time, my husband has had a season of rest, which he greatly needed, and we have enjoyed so much time together, and time refreshing and renewing our walk with the Lord.  A wonderful job finally opened up for my husband, but we still feel somewhat unsettled, so we have to wonder if this is meant to be some temporary income until God's best door is ready to open. 

So, for now, I will organize my thoughts and see what I can find in my life that is worth sharing with you.  Maybe there is someone else who has no choice but to live simply and frugally...if that's you, know this, there is JOY in Living by Necessity!